Why should a believer in the Messiah Yeshua
keep Yom Kippurim?
keep Yom Kippurim?
Is it by works?
Is it by faith?
Can you answer these questions?
Is it a calling?
What do you say it is?
Lev. 23:26-32 tells us it is a day of atonement!
And yes by the blood of Yeshua our sins are atoned for! And yes we have been forgiven and you are cleansed by His blood of your sins!
So why then shall we keep this day?
Is it symbolic for us?
Is it symbolic for us?
The High Priest would offer a animal to pay the price for the sins of the people. And was and is still to this day a time to fast and pray! We see there was two atonements! The second goat, a scapegoat-( the goat of Azazel) the sins of the people of Israel were to be placed upon it and sent into the wilderness. As we too wandered through the wilderness of life carrying our own sins till we came to receive the call to be His redeemed ones through the Son of Elohim the Father of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob!
These two animals are symbolic for our Messiah Yeshua.
Before Yeshua's sacrifice, the blood of animals could only cover man's sin,not take them away!
By Yeshua's blood sprinkled on our hearts changing our status from unclean to clean
from stony hearts to hearts of flesh. Eze. 36:24-29
Our hearts have two chambers-Yeshua is our High Priest who has entered into our hearts!
The curtain has been torn in two now!
So we can enter into the Most Set Apart Place and have access to the Father through His Son!
All we see in the beginning we will see in the end!
Isa. 46:10
Isa. 46:10
There is so very much to be said about this time , this appointed time by YHVH!
This Day of Atonement is symbolic for the Final Harvest-the Judgment Day!
These Fall Feast Days are the brides preparation for His Coming!
As we seek Him and His grace through HaShem Yeshua we will find His Mercy and Forgiveness to live for Him as we ought to without shame!
Let us seek Him now before the door is shut for"... not everyone that says "Master, Master, shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of the Father in heaven. Many will say in that day, Master, Master, have we not prophesied in Your Name, cast out demons in Your Name, and done many wonders in Your Name? And then I will declare to them, "I never knew you, depart from Me, you who practice Torahlessness (lawlessness)!" Matthew 7:21-23
Let us awaken to the times we are in and know that He wants His bride awaiting His coming- and how will we know? We have kept our date, our lamps burning,with Him as He has called us to keep His Appointed Times with HIM!
"and the Bridegroom came, and those who were ready went in with Him to the wedding, and the door was shut." Matthew 25:10
Lev. 23:4 :These are the feasts of YHVH, set apart (holy)convocations which you shall proclaim at their appointed times."
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