The creation of the world !
Many here in Israel believe it was on this day!
Yet the Scripture tells us in Exodus 12:2 "This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you."This was the time of the Passover!
So not to confuse you- but to make you think- we must study His Word to show ourselves approved in what we say, think, and share! Yes!
Many here in Israel believe it was on this day!
Yet the Scripture tells us in Exodus 12:2 "This month shall be your beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you."This was the time of the Passover!
So not to confuse you- but to make you think- we must study His Word to show ourselves approved in what we say, think, and share! Yes!
Yom Teruach
Feast of Trumpets
Rosh HaShanah
Tishrei 1,5773
Rosh HaShanah
Rosh means "chief-head"
Ha means "the"
Shanah means "year"
Bereshith (Genesis) 1:1 "In the beginning......"
Elohim created everything by His Word
In the Hebrew made is "asah"
He formed "yatsar"!
As our Father is turning all eyes on Israel the focus once again is on Jerusalem. The place of beginnings is also the place of endings. And Elohim's endings are always glorious.
There are so many meanings for this time of the year!
The 10 days of awe!
A time of repentance and to prepare for Yom Kippur!
A time to not come empty-handed! A time to seek YHVH's face!
For all He is and all He has done for us!
Let us give Him thanksgiving and praise!
Three strands are braided together on Rosh HaShana to give significance
to the over all theme of the feast which are:
1) to honor Elohim 2) a day of remembrance 3) time for spiritual awakening
Eph. 5:14 "Awake sleeper..arise from the dead and Messiah will shine on you."
Now is the time to awaken to the breathe of His Spirit-Yom Teruach!
Truly the wind of His Spirit blew powerfully throughout the Land today!
He is here to awaken the hearts of His people!
Pray like never before- the time is
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