Monday, October 1, 2012

 What is it to have a fruitful walk? Is it to have knowledge, or a display in charitable giving, or an expression of emotion of extravagrant love or is it in our obedience? As we focus on these fruits the etrog resembles our heart,the lulav palm branches our spine, hadasim the myrtle leaves our eyes, aravot willow branches our lips! In all these they represent spiritually our need to utilize all of our abilities for our Beloved in our walk!
 What is our relationship with YHVH?
 Is it according to the Scripture or do we follow the traditions of man? How do we truly know if we are walking in Spirit and in truth?
 In Leviticus 23:1-2 YHVH shares the feast days are His, a set apart time for His people!
Lev. 23:33-38 "...the Feast of Tabernacles for seven days to YHVH-... a set apart convocation!
As well as the eighth day!
Are you seeing what He is telling us here?
He shares in verse 40 we are to gather the fruit of the land , palm branches, boughs of leafy trees, and willows and rejoice before Him for seven days! And we are to keep this feast dwelling in booths for these appointed times! This is not only for us personally in our spiritual lifes but also symbolic that we are sojourners longing for our eternal home and a sign to all nations we are actively obeying what YHVH has commannded us to do! The eighth day we rest in Him which will be eternally our Sabbathical rest with Him!

Rejoicing in Him! This is our joy knowing that He will come and take us "Gilgul" with Him our T'chiyah! It is such a wonderful time of rejoicing knowing these set apart times He has given to us to know His ways, which leads us to understand what is the  life of righteousness, self control and the judgment to come  (Acts 24:24-25).
"And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His essence, the essence as of the only begotten of the Father,full of grace and truth." John 1:14
Y'shua came to us at this time so we could be apart of His eternal 8th day covenant! Rejoicing in the eternal Torah! Our Messiah is the living Torah!
As I sat outside under my sukka today reading, praying, with worship and study, joyfully thankful, and full of grace I heard a flute dancing gently on the wind of His Ruach ha Kodesh, His Spirit, as the fragrance of lilies filled my senses with such gratitude and overflowing tears for the abundance of all He has done for us!
I know My Husband is coming soon and I am preparing to be where He has called me to be with Him, in that secret place, tabernacling in the shelter of the Most High El Elyon!
"My Lover is mine, and I am His, He feeds among the liles. Arise, my darling, come away, my (yafe) beautiful one." S of S 2:13

"You are the ONE that awakens my love." S of S 2:7

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