Monday, July 2, 2012

Treasures of Tamim

treasures of tamim
for me it begins as a servant-shammash
one who ministers or serves
tamim-spiritually mature
reaching this is found in our wholly devoted heart to Abba
captured in His love to the point of leaving your
life, your rights, your desires to have His heart and
to follow Him wherever He leads-selah
romans 15:25-33 go to jerusalem to give contributions to the poor
isn't our greatest desire as a believer to come to a deeper knowledge of Elohim-jeremiah 9:23-24 growing spiritually -precept upon precept, line upon line - isaiah 28:9-10
faith to faith- romans 1:17
complete in mental and moral character
tamim #8549- without blemish, perfect, upright, without spot, whole, sincere, complete- of full age- growing up
to be without blemish is to be spiritually mature
the passover lamb exodus 12:5 was to be without blemish- a male of the 1st year
abraham was called to walk "tamim" "perfect"!
paul in romans 3:20,28 makes it very clear after we are saved by grace we are not to throw away (make void) the law through faith "do we then make void the Torah through faith? Elohim forbid:yea, we establish (keep) the law."
why should we keep Torah after we are saved?
only the curse of the law was abolished through the blood of the Messiah but the Torah is our instruction of life the Messiah is the Living Torah!
psalms 119:1 the undefiled walk in Torah of Elohim
tamim-spiritually mature
undefiled is a priest by term that is associated with being sanctified and clean before Elohim and we are priest before Him 1 peter 2:5,9
since the law -Torah is truth psalms 119:142 & malachi 2:1,6-7 Yahushua prayed we would be sanctified through truth john 17:17
the bride of Messiah is sanctifed and cleansed by the washing of the water of the Word (Torah) and spiritually mature-ephesians 5:26-27
Torah #8451 strongs dictionary states: law does not mean do's and don'ts- it means "instruction" comes from Yarah #8451 to teach, to point out as aiming the finger
the Torah was never intended for salvation but rather for instruction- after salvation it is our tool to how we should live. so david wrote in psalms 119:1 those who are undefiled (spiritually mature) walk in the law (Torah) of Elohim.
in song of solomon 5:2 & 6:9 it tells us that the bride is undefiled in this it is "tam" #8535 tamim to be complete and whole.
"telios" in ephesians 4:11-15 believers are to grow from babes to full age=perfect man!
so how can we walk with Elohim without belmish?
let us thirst for Him and He will teach us in His ways-selah

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