Sunday, July 8, 2012

I was reading a post by Don Koenig and I wanted to share a sentence he shared on for the times we are living in and I thought these words are really to ask our Father a question about ourselves and that is: "Many these days are trying to abort the birth of the promised Kingdom of Elohim on earth and replace it with a counterfeit called Babylon the Great."  Rev. 18
When I read this I was quicken by the Ruach how true even His people have been deceived in not seeing Abba's heart for His set apart times He has for us and His coming reign here on earth.
I am very stirred within myself to share it is so soon our Messiah is coming and we must prepare our hearts to meet with Him.
He is calling us today to come out of this worldly system and be abiding in Him. He has a special blessing for us when we meet with Him on the days He has chosen. And yes we can come boldly to His throne moment by moment each day- but the days He has called kadosh and set apart are His choosing and why do we not respond?
In the Messianic Age we will be keeping them then- why wouldn't we want to now?
Let us reason with Him........"Let us know, let us pursue the knowledge of YHVH, His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, like the latter and former rain to the earth." Selah

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