Monday, August 27, 2012

Interestingly I was at Kyriat Yearim and I found a paleo Hebrew "dalet" in a painting on the wall and the floor of the church that was built on the grounds where they said The Ark of the Covenant rested after the Philistines returned it to Qiryat -Baal.
What I want to note here is the different visual pictures I received while there and share how it was a very prophetic day viewing all I saw. I know a dear sister in the Messiah who was sharing that one August night they had seen in Western Texas in the sky a form of three stars which was Mars, Saturn, and Spica which form a celestial triangle. This conjunction was joined during August with the cresent moon.

What is so interesting about all this is as I went into the church I saw a dalet on the mosaic ceramic tile floor near the altar! And a painting of King Dawid playing a harp and the Torah/Tanakh with a "dalet" above the Word. Well, I was amazed to see this after reading what this woman had shared about seeing in the shamayim (heavens) a beautiful DALET!

The Scriptures says:
 Rev. 4:1-2
"After these things (the era of the seven assemblies) I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven. And the first voice which I heard was like a trumpet speaking with me, saying, "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place after this." Immediately I was in the Ruach ha Kadosh; and behold, a throne set in heaven, and One sat on the throne.  
Rev.11:19 "Then the temple of Elohim was opened in heaven, and the ark of His covenant was seen in His temple. And there were lightenings, noises, thunderings, and earthquake, and great hail." Then in Revelation 12 shows a woman, the child and dragon and this is the next sign we will see in the heavens this September-Genesis 1:14"Then Elohim said,"Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from night; and let them be for signs and (appointed) seasons (feasts) and for days and years."
Rev. 12:1-2 "Now a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a garland of twelve stars- (all twelve will be visable as it was last year! (the regathering of the twelve tribes). Then being with child, she cried out in labor and in pain to give birth. "Please read on into this chapter for there is many signs He is revealing during this season.
Getting back to the Ark of the Covenant I wanted to share a couple of things with you as far as how powerful this day was at Kyriat-Yearim.
The DALET the triangle formation of the stars seen in the sky this month was in the shape of the ancient Paleo "dalet" in the Hebrew language. It is one of the oldest written languages.
Overtime Proto-Sinaitic became the Phoenician Script also known as "Paleo Hebrew"... and the Scribe Ezra changed it to the script that is used today in the Hebrew language.
So the DALET looks like a triangle in the Paleo script and it has the meaning of a door! And here in the photo where the Ark was to have rested I see this painting of a dalet in the picture as well as an open door!
Rev. 11:19 we see the Ark being in heaven in YHVH's temple! When the door is " opened
in heaven and the ark of His covenant will be seen in it...."
This day was also filled with much insight of His heart for His Land Israel.
Jer.31:35-37 "Thus said YHVH, Who gives the sun for a light by day, the ordinances of the moon and the stars for a light by night..........if those ordinances depart from before Me says YHVH, the seed of Yisra'el shall also cease from being a nation before Me forever."
During the Canaanite Period:
called BAALAH
was the place were a sanctuary to an ancient goddess stood. During the Hebrew Period: it was called in Hebrew: Qiryat-Baal: City of Baal. Then was changed over time to Kyriat-Yearim. Hosea 2:16-20 "And it shall be in that day," says YHVH, that you will call Me, My Husband and no longer call Me, My Master, for I will take from her mouth the names of the Baals, and they shall be remembered no more. In that day I will make a covenant for them....bow and sword of battle I will shatter from the earth, to make them lie down safely. I will betroth you to Me forever; Yes, I will betroth you to Me in righteousness and justice, in lovingkindness and mercy. I will betroth you to Me in faithfulness, and you shall KNOW YHVH."

 I had just read early the morning I had gone to Kyriat-Yearim the Word in Zech. 13:2 "It shall be in that day,"says YHVH of hosts, that I will cut off the names of the idols from the Land,and they will no longer be remembered."

There down the road from Kyriat-Yearim was Elvis. This is the season of Teshuvah- a time of returning Hosea 14:1 "O Israel, return to YHVH your Elohim, for you have stumbled because of your inquities. Take WORDS with you; and return to YHVH, say to Him, 'take away all iniquity; receive us graciously, for we will offer the sacrifices (fruit)of our lips.......even Ephraim shall say, 'What have I to do anymore with idols?'
 I have heard and observed him. I am like a green cypress tree; Your fruit is found in ME."
Who is wise?
Let him understand these things.
Who is prudent?
Let him know them.
For the ways of YHVH are right;
The righteous walk in them'
But transgressors stumble in them."

Friday, August 24, 2012


Behold,I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to all surrounding peoples when they lay siege against Judah and Jerusalem. And it shall happen in that day that all people who would heave away will surely be cut in pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.

And the governors (Prime Minister) of Judah like a firepan in the woodpile, and like a fiery torch in the sheaves they shall devour all the surrounding peoples on the right hand and on the left, but Jerusalem shall be inhabited again in her own place-Jerusalem.
And I will make Jerusalem a very heavy stone for all people, all who would heave it away will surely be cut to pieces, though all nations of the earth are gathered against it.
The governors of Yehudah (Judah) shall say in their hearts, "The inhabitants of Jerusalem are my strength in YHVH of Hosts, their Elohim."
YHVH will save the tents of Yehudah first, so that the glory of the house of Dawid and the glory of the inhabitants of Jerusalem shall not become greater than that of Yehudah. In that day YHVH will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the one who is feeble
among them in that day shall be like Dawid, and the house of Dawid shall be like Elohim, like the Angel of YHVH before them.

It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem!

And I will pour on the house of Dawid and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they shall look on ME whom they have pierced. Yes, and will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for HIM as one grieves for a firstborn. In that day there shall be a great mourning..........
In that day a fountain shall be opened for the house of Dawid and for the inhabitants of Jerusalem, for the shall be in that day.......I will cut off the names of the shall be in that day........every prophet will be ashamed of his vision when he prophesies........and one will say ..."what are these wounds between your arms?".........then he will answer, "those with which I was wounded in the house of MY friends."  selah

Zechariah 12-13


Sunday, August 19, 2012

john 5:30

i seek not my own will but the will of Him who sent me

john 17:4

i (want) to glorify You on earth having accomplished the work You have given me to do

Saturday, August 18, 2012

little did i know when
i set out across the dusty ground entering into the Promised Land
of how YOU would reveal YOUR plan
the days were long, the nights were lonely
till i placed my thoughts on YOU....
when in the valley it can be difficult to see the SON rising..
but when reaching the peak where dawn is revealed not to remember the longing for the LIGHT
day by day YOUR creation reveals YOUR glory
night by night YOUR faithfulness to mankind

how faithful YOUR love towards us all O Father how steadfast, abounding in grace, immovable, forgiving, and far reaching is YOUR love
i give YOU thanks YHVH
YOU have done great things for us, for me
YOU have done all things well!

shall i not drink the cup which My Father has given me?

Sunday, August 12, 2012

TELEGRAM ALERTS WORLD OF NAZI HOLOCAUST: Seventy years ago the World Jewish Congress representative in Geneva, Gerhart M. Riegner, sent a telegram to British and American diplomats providing accurate information about Hitler’s plans to annihilate millions of Jews. The cable stated: “Received alarming report about plan being discussed and considered in Führer headquarters to exterminate at one fell swoop all Jews in German-controlled countries comprising three and a half to four million after deportation and concentration in the east thus solving Jewish question once and for all….” The US State Department considered it "a wild rumor, fueled by Jewish anxieties," while the British Foreign Office refused to forward the telegram calling for the allegations to be investigated first. It was only on November 25, 1942 the State Department contacted WJC President Wise, confirming Riegner's report and granting Wise permission to release the news about the Holocaust to the world. It took a further 14 months until, in January 1944, President Roosevelt created the War Refugee Board whose aim was to try to save Jews. "Since my first telegram, 18 months had passed during which time the inexorable massacre continued and millions of Jews were sacrificed," Riegner wrote in his memoirs. For the rest of his life, Riegner was haunted by the knowledge that many of the six million Jews killed in Nazi concentration camps could have been saved if the US and Britain had acted promptly on his warning dispatched from Switzerland. (INN) Pray global leaders will not make the same tragic mistake again, rather wake up to the impending Iranian nuclear threat against Israel and the West.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

I was at the Kotel yesterday the wailing/western wall in Jerusalem
I was sitting behind a women of Jerusalem who was deep in prayer
and after she would read the Scripture she would raise her prayers and kiss the Word
she would look up into the skies and pray to our Father and then
she would bow again and read the reading of  the Psalms as she left she turned to look at me and she proclaimed a blessing on me as she walked away

There were many coming and going that day and taking photos and talking, laughing, even running around not realizing that this was a special place He had called His own dwelling place.
But there were those who had sincerely come to pray- to seek His face- to pray for the peace of Jerusalem- to pray for their families, the IDF forces,their homeland, His Land!

But there were others that had come into His dwelling place to blaspheme His Name by their foolishness!

I have cried to Elohim with my voice-
To Elohim with my voice; and He gave ear to me. In the day of trouble I sought YHVH; My hand was stretched out in the night without ceasing..........and I said in my anguish; I will remember the years of the right hand (Y'shua) of El Elyon;
All the works of YHVH and His wonders of old. I will also meditate on all Your work, and talk of all Your deeds. Your way O Elohim, is in the sanctuary; who is so great a Elohim as our Elohim? You are the Elohim who does wonders; You have declared Your strength among the peoples. You have with Your Arm (Y'shua) redeemed Your people. Selah
The sons of Jacob and Joseph.
Psalms 77:1-15

Friday, August 10, 2012

Yeshua loves the little children!

Pray for ALL of Israel!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

"For YHVH has chosen Zion; He desired it for His dwelling place. This is His resting place forever." Ps. 132.14

As soon as I arrived here in mid July the two things I experienced were His peace/shalom and His rest! Selah

Yes, YHVH will dwell in it forever!
Ps. 66:15-16